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Megan Kwasniak

Photographer Spotlight: Chris Suspect

Throughout the recent years, as I’ve attended various photography events, I’ve come to know many wonderful and talented photographers, some of whom have become my friends. I first got to know Christ Suspect at a San Francisco street photography festival last year and was blown away by his work. As a member of the audience, I got to watch Chris’ presentation of the photographs he has taken at various parties throughout the years. It was nothing like I’ve ever seen before. The rawness and honesty of the images shown truly captivated me. It was one of those…

10 Ways to Elevate Your Smartphone Photography

Happy Superbowl Sunday my dear readers! I’m not much of a football fan, but I imagine the day must be quite exciting for the sports enthusiasts out there. Despite the occasion, this will not be a post about how to shoot better sports and action photos. Instead, I’ve been feeling the need to write a follow-up post to the one from two weeks ago, the one where I tell you not to go out and buy a new camera. At least not immediately. So if you don’t buy any new gear, but actually want to take…

Why You Should NOT Buy the New Camera…and Use Your Phone Instead

This is a post I have been meaning to write for a while. It’s a post for all my friends and colleagues who have come to me over the years asking the seemingly simple yet actually very problematical question: WHAT CAMERA SHOULD I BUY? Believe it or not, but this question to me is a little like asking, what career should I choose in life? Before you become outraged and claim this comparison to be over the top, let me explain.  You see my dear readers, currently there are hundreds of cameras on the market. All quite excellent…

Photographer Spotlight: Sonia Goydenko

Hello my dear readers! I’m super excited to introduce a new section into this blog that will highlight all the amazing photographers that inspire me and from whom I learn on daily basis. I actually have interviewed someone before when my blog was still very new (check out the post with Satesth Ramjattan here), but this time I plan on doing it on a more consistent basis. I hope the interviews with these amazing photographers bring you as much value and inspiration as they have brought me. So without further ado, I introduce you to my dear friend…

Goals vs Resolutions: Which One Will You Choose?

Happy New Year everybody! I cannot believe we are here already, at the start of a new decade. Although not much of a New Year’s Eve socialite, I do love to use the very first day of a new year to reflect a bit and to set goals for the future.  I have much to be grateful for as I say good bye to 2019. I have visited many beautiful places, been recognized for my photographs, met many wonderful people and strengthened my relationships with the ones already present in my life. I have accomplished some very important…